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Webinar Recap: Inspection Tasks for Onsite Wastewater Systems from EFCN

Watch this one-hour webinar recording from the Environmental Finance Center Network to receive an introduction to the basics of inspecting onsite wastewater systems. Part of EFCN’s onsite wastewater webinar series, and designed for operators and decision-makers, the webinar also offers guidance on operating and maintaining onsite systems. 

Neither continuing education credit nor a certificate of attendance is available for only watching the webinar recording. Regardless, there is a wealth of information to learn. 

Speakers include Greg Pearson, a Water and Wastewater Trainer at the Great Lakes Environmental Infrastructure Center at Michigan Technological University, and Dr. Jason Barrett, Associate Director of the Water Resources Research Institute at Mississippi State University Extension.

The main topical areas covered in the presentation are:

  1. Basic design standards
  2. Initial site inspection concepts
  3. Septic tank inspection tasks
  4. Leachfield inspection
  5. Common problems

Events that can trigger the need for a septic inspection include initial construction, property purchase by a new owner, property additions or expansions, groundwater issues, and time-based planned inspections (the most common reason).

Mr. Pearson can be reached with questions at gpearson@mtu.edu and Dr. Barrett can be reached at  jason.barrett@msstate.edu.

The presentation slides may also be viewed and downloaded here.

The recordings of the other sessions in the onsite wastewater webinar series are also available:

Finally, you can keep an eye on EFCN’s events calendar for more upcoming webinars or in-person trainings for onsite and decentralized systems learning, or peruse the rest of their webinar archive for additional past sessions.